All Things Photographic

Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse

Maryport Trawler Race 2021

The annual Maryport Trawler Race is planned for July 2021 but COVID-19 restrictions may affect whether the race is run this year. I thought it might be a good idea to use this blog post to raise awareness of the event and to support the organisers.

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Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse

Maryport Trawler Race 2014

Once again, thanks to the organisers, I was invited to photograph the 2014 running of the annual Maryport Trawler Race on Saturday 17th May. Again the weather on race day was ideal, warm with clear skies and a little wind to whip up some swell to create sea spray and breaking bow waves. The waves increased as the race started giving some impressive spar photos.

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Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse

Maryport Trawler Race 2013

Once again, thanks to the organisers, I was invited to photograph the annual 2013 Maryport Trawler Race on Saturday 19th May. After the appalling conditions at last year’s race I went prepared for bad weather but this year it was a glorious summer’s day with clear skies and calm seas. There were more boats than ever leading to some close racing and some good photos.

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Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse

Maryport Trawler Race 2012

After missing last year’s race due to bad weather I was again invited to take photographs of the 2012 Maryport Trawler Race, so off I went on Saturday 4th August to see what the day had in store. My first race in 2009 had beautiful weather, blue skies and calms seas. 2010 was similar but the sea was a little choppy. 2012, however, was a completely different day.

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Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse

Maryport Trawler Race 2010

On Saturday 13th August, I was again invited to join the Maryport Trawler Race as photographer for the event. This year I was fortunate to join the Isle of Man Fisheries Protection Vessel (FPV) Barrule, an impressive boat and astonishingly quick.

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Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse Event Photography Kevin Whitehouse

Maryport Trawler Race 2009

On Saturday I was invited to join the Maryport Trawler Race as photographer for the event. The race organiser is one of my work colleagues so offered me the opportunity to photograph the boats. The day was perfect with calm seas and clear blue skies.

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