Clyde Puffer VIC 32 on the Caledonian Canal
VIC32 is one of the last few surviving coal-fired steam-powered puffers. She was built by Dunston's of Thorne, Yorkshire in November 1943. As the wartime Admiralty needed 50, (later 100) victualling boats in a hurry, they were built in groups of three by various yards in England. No new designs were needed as the perfect boat existed in the Clyde Puffer. The boat is seen here on the Caledonian Canal.
VIC32 is one of the last few surviving coal-fired steam-powered puffers. She was built by Dunston's of Thorne, Yorkshire in November 1943. As the wartime Admiralty needed 50, (later 100) victualling boats in a hurry, they were built in groups of three by various yards in England. No new designs were needed as the perfect boat existed in the Clyde Puffer. The boat is seen here on the Caledonian Canal.
VIC32 is one of the last few surviving coal-fired steam-powered puffers. She was built by Dunston's of Thorne, Yorkshire in November 1943. As the wartime Admiralty needed 50, (later 100) victualling boats in a hurry, they were built in groups of three by various yards in England. No new designs were needed as the perfect boat existed in the Clyde Puffer. The boat is seen here on the Caledonian Canal.